Memory Book

Please answer as many of the following questions as you like and click on "Submit" when you're done.

Your Name:
Spouse or Partner's Name
Names & Ages of Kids:
Where are you presently living?
Did you live in other places before settling there?
Tell us something about your job, profession or calling.
What pushed you to choose your life's work?
List the three most interesting things to happen
in your life since 1984:
Did you attend the reunion in 1994?
What was your best memory?
What do you remember about one or two of your
classmates (nothing embarrassing, please)?
What do you remember about a teacher
(that we can print)?
What makes you smile? 
What is your philosophy? 
What do you plan to do now?
What advice would you have for a youth graduating
from GESS in 2004?
Email Address: